AACSB Announces New Branding

May 16, 2017

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (also known as AACSB International) announced a new brand platform on April 24, 2017.  Our office will be updating our web, print, and digital materials accordingly. For any questions, concerns, or requests to have the logo updated, please contact the School of Business Office of Communications.

AACSB Logo Accredited Color RGB
AACSB Logo Accredited Color RGB
AACSB Logo Accredited Color RGB

Aurora WordPress Training – May through July 2017

May 4, 2017

UITS offers routine Aurora WordPress Trainings.  School of Business web content managers are encouraged to attend Part 1 – Basics if they have not already.

Workshops are also available for web content managers to set time aside to develop your website in Aurora and have someone available to answer your questions.

 Register by clicking on the session links below (NetID login required)

  • (Part 1 – Basics) – Electronic Classroom 1, Homer Babbidge Library(HBL) 369 Fairfield Way, Storrs, CT  (map)
    • Thursday May 18, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • (Workshop) – Chaplin Cottage (CHAP) on the Depot Campus, 69 Ahern Lane, Storrs, CT  (map)
    • Thursday June 1, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • (Part 1 – Basics) – Chaplin Cottage (CHAP) on the Depot Campus, 69 Ahern Lane, Storrs, CT  (map)
    • Wednesday June 21, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • (Workshop) – Chaplin Cottage (CHAP) on the Depot Campus, 69 Ahern Lane, Storrs, CT  (map)
    • Wednesday July 12, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Prerequisite: Aurora Overview – please watch the video prior to attending the training.

All training dates are posted on the Aurora Training page.

Where is Content from Knowledgebooks

April 20, 2017

Previously, resources from the Office of Communications at the School of Business were hosted in IT’s Helpspot Knowledgebooks system. Many of these resources are still available, but they have been moved around to better fit the content organization of this fuller website.  Below is the navigation from the previous system as it existed; the links have been updated to point to the location of the new resource.

  1. Policies, Guides and Standards
    1. Requesting Services
    2. Posting Policy
    3. Logo Standards
    4. Graphic Standards
    5. Graphics Guide
    6. Printing Services and Graphic Design
    7. How to Insert an HTML file into your email
    8. Marketing to UConn Audiences
    9. Style Guide
  2. Digital Communications
    1. Event Promotion
    2. Event Calendars
    3. Display Monitors
    4. GBLC Rainbow Walls – This resource is undergoing updates.
    5. Social Media
    6. News & Press
  3. Faculty/Staff/Student Profiles
    1. Faculty/Staff/Student Profiles
    2. Updating Your Online Profile
    3. Adding and updating your profile image
    4. Adding CV to Your Online Profile
  4. School of Business Website
    1. Managing Your Website
    2. Web Content Manager/Editor List
    3. Adding new pages
    4. Using FTP at The School of Business – Please contact the School’s IT Office for more information.
    5. Student Organization Websites