Faculty Websites


Faculty websites are appropriate for faculty members who wish to include more in depth web presence with information beyond their online profile or including multiple pages of information.

Faculty sites should be on scholar.uconn.edu and not the business.uconn.edu domain. UConn guidelines here: https://brand.uconn.edu/guidelines-usage/web/#domains Faculty, graduate students, and researchers who request a website will be assigned a domain under scholar.uconn.edu. ITS uses the official UConn email address as the basis for these domains. If your email is firstname.lastname@uconn.edu, the website address will be firstname-lastname.scholar.uconn.edu. 

All websites are created using Aurora, which is a UITS-supported content management system based on WordPress. For more information on Aurora, see aurora.uconn.edu.

Setting up your site

School of Business faculty may request an Aurora account either at http://aurora.uconn.edu/request-an-account/ or by emailing business.communications@uconn.edu.

Once the site is set up, you will have full Administrative access to manage your content.

Editing your site

UITS offers resources and training on how to use Aurora.