Help with Request System

Submitting a new request

To submit a request for support from the School's Office of Communications, fill out our request form. Alternatively, you can send an email to This will trigger the HelpSpot system to create a ticket number for tracking your request. HelpSpot is the same ticket system used by the IT department.

When your request is received in the system, it will automatically generate an email reply to you which will contain a number in the subject line (for example: {12345}). This is your ticket request number, which you can use to update and track your ticket. Your ticket will be assigned to a Communications staff member.

Updating your ticket

The easiest way to update your ticket is to reply to the automatically-generated email which contains the subject line with your ticket request number. When receives an email with a ticket request number in the subject line, it will automatically add that email to the ticket request.

Viewing ticket history

You may view your ticket, including all public updates to the ticket, by clicking on "View the complete request history" or "Check your request online" in any of the ticket request emails. You can also use the HelpSpot Check on a Request form, using the access key provided in the system generated email.

What happens when I try to update my ticket, but I did not include the request #?

If there is no ticket request number in the subject line, the system will treat it as a new request, assigning a new ticket request number. A staff member can review the ticket queue and merge your requests, but best practice would be to always include the ticket request number.

Should I copy in other users in the request?

We recommend sending your initial request only to Sometimes when other users are copied in on the initial request, they "Reply to All", again copying in the ticket system again and generating a new ticket that has to be merged into the original request.

When you send your initial request, you can list who else should be included in on the ticket, and the staff member assigned to it can add them to the notifications. Or, you can copy in other parties in your replies to the ticket, which has the subject line containing the ticket request number.

How do I view attachments in the HelpSpot system?

Attachments are hosted within the HelpSpot system itself. It will not be shown as an attachment in your Outlook. To view the attachment, click on "View the complete request history" from the ticket email. The attachments will be listed for download alongside the request history.

Why did HelpSpot strip out my reply?

In order to reduce the amount of duplicate information in a ticket, Helpspot will strip out anything past the headers (starting with "## Reply ABOVE THIS LINE to add a note to this request ## ") when you reply to a ticket. That means, if you reply with your answers typed within the response underneath the headers, your response will be stripped out when it's added to the system.

To get around this, you can copy and paste the message you will be responding to above "## Reply ABOVE THIS LINE to add a note to this request ##", or you can strip out the headers when you send your reply.